Saturday 15 September 2012


Kebanyakan kawan-kawan bila ditanya, masak mengikut selera suami atau selera anak-anak, akan mengatakan selalunya mereka akan masak mengikut citarasa anak-anak.

Mungkin itulah yang dinamakan kasih ibu membawa ke syurga.

Namun tatkala kita menjalankan peranan sebagai seorang ibu, janganlah sampai kita lupa yang kita juga bertanggungjawab sebagai seorang isteri kepada suami kita.

Pengalaman sebagai isteri sepatutnya telah menjadikan kita 'master' dengan tekak dan kehendak suami. Terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan kita untuk menyesuaikannya dengan selera anak-anak.

Ingatlah, suatu masa nanti anak-anak akan melangkah keluar rumah mengikut pasangan masing-masing untuk membina keluarga sendiri.

Suami kita lah yang akan menjadi teman setia kita di usia senja. Kita dan suami kita itulah yang akan saling mejaga sakit pening dan keperluan bersama hingga ke hujung nyawa.....insya Allah.



Isteri menjadi queen control dengan tujuan menguasai rumahtangga berdepan dengan risiko derhaka pada suami. derhaka hukumnya berdosa.

Namun dalam kebanyakan keadaan isteri perlu bertindak begitu kerana kegagalan suami menjalankan tanggungjawab terhadap agama dn keluarga.

Isteri menjadi queen control disebabkan beberapa masalah berpunca daripada suami itu sendiri :

1. Isteri perlu mengambil alih peranan suami sepenuhnya sebab suami gagal berperanan sebagai ketua keluarga

2. Isteri bertindak mengawal segala tindak tanduk suami sebab suami pernah mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai ketua keluarga

3. Suami yang gagal mengawal dan memimpin isteri hingga membiarkan diri dikawal sepenuhnya oleh si isteri

Seorang suami hendaklah ada ilmu, mampu mengawal diri dan mengamalkannya.

Suami yang mahu dihormati anak isteri hendaklah patuh kepada Tuhan untuk meningkatkan harga diri.

Suami perlu menghargai diri sendiri, baharulah ahli keluarga nya akan menghargainya sebagai ketua keluarga.


Duit isteri bekerja adalah 100% haknya mengikut undang-undang.

Dia boleh simpan atau 'shopping' sakan dengan duit itu tanpa perlu meminta keizinan suami.

Tetapi sekiranya isteri yang bekerja dan membantu suaminya di dalam urusan rumahtangga, berkongsi wang pendapatan untuk membayar bil-bil dan sebagainya, isteri mendapat pahala orang-orang yang bersedekah.

Isteri hanya boleh keluar berkerja setelah mendapat izin suami tetapi dia tak perlu keizinan suami untuk berbelanja.

Tetapi walaupun tak perlu keizinan suami, isteri hendaklah hormat kepada suami. Sebagai tanda hormat kepada suami adalah lebih baik isteri minta izin dan bagitau suami.


Mana-mana lelaki yang dah berhajat nak menamatkan zaman bujangnya hendaklah mulai mengatur langkah agar memiliki 3 kunci dan 3 ras sebelum 'ada bran' menyunting bunga di taman orang.

1. KUNCI rumah, KUNCI pejabat dan KUNCI kereta
- kena ada rumah, ada kerja dan ada kereta waima kancil

2. beRAS, waRAS dan keRAS
- kena mampu beli beras sekurang-kurangnya untuk bagi
makan anak isteri
- waras dan keras.....fikir-fikiralah sendiri, anak-anak,
bapak-bapak (datuk-datuk)


KOREA : image-obsessed society

KOREA : image-obsessed society (8 photos)

In Korea, there are mirrors everywhere. They even have a mirror hanging in every classroom, on the teacher's (female) desk. Female students often have small compact mirrors on their desks. During class they'll be staring at themselves.

Young women in the subway do the same thing, in front of whoever, wherever, and sometimes if they don’t have a mirror, they’ll take pictures of themselves on their phones in order to touch up their makeup.

Most Korean women appear to have what is known as a “double eye-lid,” even though according to The New York Times article about plastic surgery in Korea only one in five women is actually born with one.

There’s no mystery to why this is–South Korea has the highest rate of cosmetic plastic surgery in the world. Plastic surgery has become so commonplace in this image-obsessed society that it’s talked about openly among co-workers, mothers buy their daughters surgeries as gifts, and young women grow up thinking they’ll never find love or career success if they don’t fix their faces.

We are used to hearing the stereotype that Americans are superficial and beauty-obsessed, and yet, Korean societies high-standards of beauty and the extremes to which they’ll go to achieve that beauty blow those stereotypes straight out of the water.

Most Korean girls believe that she needed a better look in order to be able to succeed in business and find a husband.

A Korean man who recently got a nose job explained that his nose was his “insecurity” and that he felt that he would feel more confident after his surgery.

In Korea, education is everything. Korean students study for hours each day, and most attend a private school after leaving their regular public school for the day. But this atmosphere makes for an extremely competitive process to enter universities and to find jobs, and this is where many Korean women think that having surgery and beautifying themselves will give them an advantage.

But in the end, who can blame them? They have their K-pop stars, friends, media and even their mothers telling them that this is the way they can set themselves apart from the pack.

Miss Korea's Plastic Surgery Scandal

Miss Korea's Plastic Surgery Scandal

Recently crowned Miss Korea 2012, Kim Yu-mi, openly admitted to having gone under the knife in order to achieve her pageant-winning good looks.

After high school photos of the now 21-year-old Kim surfaced on the internet, scandal ensued. The delicate beauty is only a shadow of her former self, the images of the much younger Kim little resembling who she is today.

“I was shocked that the papers made it out like I claimed to have been a natural beauty,” she told a tvN entertainment show.

“I never once said that I was born beautiful.” Kim said she never intended to hide she had plastic surgery, and although she understands there are some people who will be disappointed, she wants to look forward.

“From now on, I hope to make a name for myself for my inner beauty rather than my outer beauty,” said Kim, who is currently taking a yearlong break from studying film at Konkuk University.

The coveted title of Miss Korea 2012 was awarded to Kim Yu-mi at the annual beauty pageant held at Kyung Hee University in Seoul.

The 22-year-old film studies major at Konkuk University was all smiles in her golden gown as she was given the crown by last year’s winner Lee Seong Hye, the Korea Times reported.

And unlike last year, when Korean American Soo Jung “Crystal” Kim took second runner-up, no Korean Americans were among the six runners-up.

New York, Los Angeles and a handful of other major American cities typically send representatives to compete in the Miss Korea pageant every year.

The new Miss Korea, who reportedly enjoys reading books and listening to music as well as playing the piano, will represent Korea at the Miss Universe pageant in 2013.

Thursday 13 September 2012


An apple a day plus a veggie-intensive diet are the stars of new cancer prevention studies.

A chemical in apples helped prevent colon cancer in laboratory and animal studies, reports lead researcher Francis Raul, PhD, research director of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research in Strasbourg, France.

Three or more servings of vegetables a day -- potatoes not included -- reduced risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by 40%, says lead researcher Linda Kelemen, RD, ScD, with the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. 

** Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma occurs when cells in the lymph nodes -- small organs that help fight off infection -- divide and grow out of control.

"It's been estimated that up to one-third of cancers are related to food we eat. ... That's a lot of preventable cancers," Kelemen said in a news teleconference held today. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect the body from damaging free radicals "like rust-proofing your car."

Apples and Cancer Prevention

In the apple studies, Raul first exposed cancer cells to various antioxidants found in apples. They found that one type of antioxidant, called procyanidins, triggered a series of cell signals that resulted in cancer cell death.

The finding "suggests that eating the whole apple, including the skin, might offer some [cancer prevention] benefits," says Raul.


Epal kaya dengan polifenol, antioksidan dan phlorizin-a fitonutrien serta Vitamin A, B dan C,  pektin & asid D - glucaric, zat tanin, flavanoids dan phenolic acid.

Antara khasiat yang terdapat di dalam buah epal :

Menjaga kesihatan paru-paru

Mencegah sel kanser paru-paru, usus dan prostat

Mencegah penyakit jantung

Melambatkan menopause

Menjaga daya tahan tubuh dan melawan radikal bebas

Menurunkan berat badan

Menjaga kesihatan gigi

Mencegah batu hempedu

Menurunkan kadar kolesterol buruk ( LDL) 

Meningkatkan kolesterol baik (HDL)

Mengurangi peradangan pada saluran pernafasan (asma)

Menambat nafsu makan 


Masyarakat Cina percaya kebanyakan buah-buahan mempunyai makna tersendiri 


Epal :
-  untuk meraih kejayaan, keamanan, keharmonian, silaturahim, kemewahan, limpahan hasil dan kekuatan.
Pear :
-  untuk tuah, perniagaan yang baik dan kekayaan.

Oren :
-  dan limau mandarin untuk menjana dan mengumpul kekayaan.

Anggur :  
-  untuk membanyakkan keturunan.

Buah-buhan berwarna hijau untuk menambah tenaga dan kesihatan (seperti epal hijau, kiwi dan anggur).

Buah-buahan berwarna merah untuk menambah kekayaan, tenaga dan kesungguhan (epal merah, anggur merah dan manggis).

Buah-buahan berwarna hitam untuk kepintaran dan kreativiti (anggur hitam dan beri hitam).

Buah-buahan berwarna kuning untuk mengumpul kekayaan.


Ambilah peluang bersedekah sementara kita masih diberi peluang bernafas di bumi Allah ini. 

Jika berat hati untuk mengeluarkan not sepuluh ringgit, kalau not lima ringgit pun terlalu besar untuk disedekahkan, pupukkan hati dengan bersedekah wang RM1 sebagai 'baby steps' kita.

'Remind' diri kita bahawa setiap sen yang kita sedekahkan itu akan masuk ke dalam 'bank' akhirat untuk kehidupan kita yang kekal di sana kelak. 

'Remind' diri kita, amaran agar kita bersedekah dengan rezeki yang kita terima itu datangnya daripada yang Maha Pencipta, Allah S.W.T.  sebagaimana firmanNya dalam ayat 10 surah Al-Munafiquum yang kira-kira bermaksud :

“Dan belanjakanlah ( dermakanlah ) sebahagian dari rezeki yang 
Kami berikan kepada kamu sebelum sampai ajal maut seseorang dari kamu, ( kalau tidak ) maka ia ( pada saat itu ) akan merayu dengan berkata :  Wahai Tuhanku! Alangkah baiknya jika Engkau lambatkan kedatangan ajalku sekejap lagi, supaya aku dapat bersedekah dan dapat pula aku menjadi dari orang yang soleh”
'Remind' diri kita, tidak jatuh miskin orang yang bersedekah

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Legoland Malaysia is a theme park scheduled to open in Nusajaya, Johor, Malaysia on September 15, 2012 with over 40 interactive rides, shows and attractions. It will be the first Legoland theme park in Asia upon its establishment. 

Nusajaya is located near to the 2nd link bridge to Singapore which is only 5 minutes drive away.

LEGOLAND® Malaysia is open most of the day in 2012 from 10 am until 6 pm. Longer opening hours apply on weekends, during school and public holidays. Attractions (except MINILAND) are closing one hour prior to park closing-time. Restaurant and shop hours may vary due to visitor appearance.

Experience the diversity in LEGOLAND


See the world from Gulliver's perspective in MINILAND, the centerpiece of every LEGOLAND® Park.


Waving flags and two towers mark the entrance area to LEGOLAND® Malaysia.


The place to be for all those who are fascinated by research and experimentation.


In LEGO® TECHNIC everything is faster, bigger and even more action-packed.


A suspension bridge takes you inside the giant castle, the trademark of LEGO® KINGDOM.


This area of the park is hidden in the jungle, surrounded by wild animals and fantastic creatures.


Aircraft and boats are waiting for your command here at the airport and harbour.